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Hatch Dance is a contemporary dance company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 


Hatch Dance brings together artists to create collaborative performances that speak to human commonalities, encouraging a wider sense of belonging.

We perform in theaters, unconventional spaces, and online, host open rehearsals, discussions, and teach movement classes to the wider community.


Collaboration is the cornerstone of our work.


We have witnessed the power of a collaborative creative process between artists and how it manifests far beyond the performance. Through the deep listening necessary to make art and the trust that is developed, truths are shared and perspectives are altered.


Since 2017, we have partnered with dancers, dance companies (STRONGmovement, HoneyWorks), musicians (Poolboy, Seth Conover, Joe Strachan, Brandon Musser), theater artists (Jon Ferguson), visual artists (Ashley Mary) and videographers (Noble Productions, Arlo Myren) producing interdisciplinary live performances that are enthusiastically received by critics and audiences.


In 2020, Hatch Dance and fellow dance company HoneyWorks joined forces to launch Live @ The Shed, which brought together dancers eager to share their gifts with an audience who yearned for live art in the midst of a pandemic. With its success, Live @ The Shed has grown into an annual outdoor dance event that culminates with the premiere of a new collaborative ensemble work that celebrates a large cast of dancers from the Twin Cities.

"Hatch Dance is packed with skill. Hatch herself — as both dancer and artistic director — offers a point of view that intrigues and definitely invites more investigation."

-Caroline Palmer, Star Tribune

“This is a heroic work, a spectacle for our time, where twenty-one excellent dancers risk much to bring us a sign of hope for the resilience of dance, and for the vitality and spunk our nation so needs to survive. In other words, damn, that was good, both sophisticated and feral, right up my alley...You made my day, my week, my year.”

-Audience Member on bolerobolero

“The show knocked my socks off. I can’t say why exactly, and it doesn’t really matter, but I was deeply moved. I cried several times and felt changed afterwards. Lighter, more hopeful.”

-Audience Member on PARADISE

Photo by Emily Adie

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