Support the development of Hatch Dance's next original production
How to Cultivate Your REM Cycle
Join us as we embark on our next bold new project, bringing together artists for innovative collaboration.
Your support ensures we can continue to develop, connect, and share.
Here’s what we are dreaming up:
Hatch Dance is excited to undertake a new collaborative dance theater piece about sleep, dreaming, and rest. How to Cultivate Your REM Cycle will follow a burned out narrator who is seeking better sleep for increased productivity. Convinced that a recently purchased guidebook entitled “How to Cultivate Your REM Cycle” will have the answers, the piece unfolds as they try to follow increasingly complicated and convoluted instructions, navigating dreams and nightmares.
Through the creative process we will explore how the immense challenges of modernity impact not just sleep, but also disrupt our ability to trust what is within us. We will look at the absurdities of individualist solutions that disconnect us further from nature and each other. An allegory combining dance, theater, music, and philosophy, this piece will shed light on what we can do, together, to make this realm more hospitable for everyone.
Support the project today with a donation to our New Work Fund!