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Hatch Dance/HoneyWorks Summerdance 2024


June 14th-16th, 2024


The Minneapolis Club parking ramp 

729 2nd Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55402.


Berit Ahlgren and Helen Hatch, Directors

Brandon Anderson Musser and Alex Proctor, Sound Engineers



Works in Progress



Full Circle

Choreographed and performed by Joe Tennis

Guitarist: Warren Weaver



Herons Don’t Cry

Choreographed and performed by Hannah MacKenzie-Margulies

Music: “Watching Thus, the Heron Is All Pool”, Bibio; “Storfjord”, Otto A. Totland




You asked me to dance to this song

Choreographed and performed by Gemma Isaacson

Music:  "Ready, Eddie?", Chamaeleon Church; "I Dreamed Last Night", Justin Hayward and John Lodge; "Part of the Plan", Dan Fogelberg; "Forever Autumn", Justin Hayward; "Nights in White Satin", The Moody Blues; "Dancin' Fool", Frank Zappa; "Love, Reign O'er Me", The Who; "Oh Yeah", Roxy Music; "Three-Quarter Time", Mark Isaacson and Van Isaacson


Behind the doors I open

At the bottom of the stairs

Or just around the corner

I expect to see you there

But it's my imagination

A projection from my heart

The ways in which I miss you

I don't know where to start

-Mark Isaacson



Artist Bios


Gemma Isaacson is a Minneapolis-based dance artist originally from Chippewa Falls, Wisconsin. She began her professional performance career at the age of 17 with Minnesota Ballet before attending the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities. She graduated summa cum laude with a BFA in Dance in 2014. Throughout the course of her freelance career, Gemma has originated roles in works by notable local, national and international choreographers across genres, including Patrick Acogny (Contempo Physical Dance), Berit Ahlgren (HoneyWorks), Dimitri Chamblas, Karen L. Charles (Threads Dance Project), Non Edwards, Eric Sean Fogel (Minnesota Opera and Portland Opera), Nildinha Fonsêca (Contempo Physical Dance), Jennifer Glaws (Jagged Moves), Helen Hatch (Hatch Dance), Jennifer Ilse (Off-Leash Area), Nic Lincoln, Alanna Morris (I A.M. Arts), Valerie Oliveiro, Kerry Parker, Stuart Pimsler (Stuart Pimsler Dance & Theater), Ashwini Ramaswamy (Ragamala Dance Company), Marciano Silva dos Santos (Contempo Physical Dance) and Heidi Spesard-Noble (Minnesota Opera). Since 2020, Gemma has created and performed her own work at the Off-Leash Art Box (Minneapolis), The Shed (St. Paul), Tofte Lake Center (Ely), and DIY spaces around the Twin Cities. In 2021, she was selected for the National Emerging Artists Program Residency at Tofte Lake Center.


Hannah MacKenzie-Margulies (she/her) is a multidisciplinary dancer, choreographer, and educator based in Minneapolis. A native of Lexington, Massachusetts, Hannah began her training at the Lexington School of Ballet and the Boston Ballet School before attending the Joffrey Ballet School’s post-graduate trainee program. She has performed with the Harford Ballet, Ballet Verité, Ballet Concerto, Charleston Ballet Theatre, and Borealis Dance Theatre and is a founding member of sub.set dance. Hannah is a graduate of Reed College and an alumna of the Vertigo International Dance program. Her work has been presented at the Walker Art Center, Manhattan Movement Arts, Ten Tiny Dances, TBA: The Works, the Northwest Film Center, hq pdx, SpectorDance, and ODC’s Studio B. Hannah is also an accomplished lindy hop and authentic jazz dancer and teacher—find her at


A leading practitioner of experiential mechanics, Joe Tennis is an improviser and moment maker. His movement expression and choice making is rooted in abundant curiosity. Engined by discovery, he is viscerally compelled to movement through experiencing it. He has been described as “unapologetically youthful” and been told he has a “cinematic sensibility”. Joey has done a load of dancing in the past and intends on doing loads more in the future, but he’s mainly interested in the dancing that happens in the moment. He’s been deep in research of improvisation in service to attunement, the mechanics of intuition through floorwork and the prolonged effects of subtle integration. Tennis dances to find, not to show.


Thank you to our “FUND A PHRASE” Donors for supporting this project:

Nicole Arnason (#36)

Ester Blackmore (#1)

Blake Conover (#5)

Laurie Conover (#6)

Kirsten Freeman (#2)

Jenny Hawkins-Hatch (#10)

Becky Heist (#40)

Mark and Betsy McKelvey (#4)

Tim Murphy (#24)

Patricia Pasqual (#9)

Sarah Quie (#3)

Linda Sarna (#15)

Brickson Schwenn dedicated to Disco (#42)

Molly Sonsteng (#28)

Maddie Stein (#46)

Julia Sutter (#8)

Mary Vasaly (#20)


Special thanks to The Minneapolis Club, MN State Arts Board, St. Paul Ballet, Bill Cameron (photography), our usher and stagehand volunteers, and the generous donors who support the ongoing development of both Hatch Dance and HoneyWorks throughout the year.


This activity is made possible by the voters of Minnesota through a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board, thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.

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